About Us

Sterile Vision’s goal is help build the operating room of the future. In today’s operating room, there is large variability among procedures and surgeon preferences that make organization and tracking of the tools a cumbersome task. This leads to operating room processes that are prone to missing tools, excessively large trays and workflow inefficiency.
At Sterile Vision, we offer the solution via use of computer vision to accurately track tools inside and outside the operating room. Hands-free tracking will lead to reduction of lost tools, optimization of large tool trays, increased OR efficiency, and decreased costs.
Sterile Vision is bringing insight to innovation through integration.
Email: info@sterile-vision.com

Duken LaBaze, MD MS
Co- Founder

Sterile Vision’s goal is to help build the operating room of the future. In today’s operating room, there is large variability among procedures and surgeon preferences that make organization and tracking of the surgical instruments a cumbersome task. This leads to operating room processes that are prone to missing instruments, excessively large trays and workflow inefficiency.
At Sterile Vision, we offer the solution via use of computer vision to accurately track surgical instruments inside and outside the operating room. Hands-free tracking will lead to reduction of lost instruments, optimization of large instrument trays, increased OR efficiency, and decreased costs.
Sterile Vision is bringing insight to innovation through integration.
Email: info@sterile-vision.com

Duken LaBaze, MD
Co- Founder

Stephen P. Canton, MD MS